Equipro Surfaces News has brought something special for the readers in our “Royal’s Special Edition”. This week, we’re going to talk about her Royal Majesty’s passion for the horses.
We all fell in love with the Queen’s latest pictures with her beautiful pony last week. It was the first time the Queen was seen reviving her passion for horses since the Covid-19 lockdown. We bring you some exclusive details about the Queen’s favourite horses.
In this Royal Special Edition, we’ve featured the Royal Majesty and her lovely granddaughter Zara Tindall, to accord with Her Majesty’s official birthday.
In an exclusive talk, her Highness spoke about her all-time favourite horses. She mentioned the horses she used to ride on and the ones she witnessed getting success in the show ring. She also talked about her favourite ones from the eventing and racecourse.
The pictures of the Queen with her 14 years old pony named “Fell Balmoral Fern” were posted on the internet. Her Majesty revealed horses named “Fells” and “Highlands” as her most favourite ones of her lifespan. She also added an amazing stallion to the list who was a European Championship-winning eventer, and a dual Classic winner who was kept in a stable called “The Monster”.
We are excited to present our first Royal Special Edition with an interview with The Queen where she talked about her relationship with her horses. She expressed her passion for horse and highlighted qualities of each one of them
We are honoured that the Queen entitled us to share such an amazing piece of information. We are also thankful to the Queen’s racing adviser John Warren and the stud groom Terry Pendry who will no doubt be making valuable contributions in the future.
We are also anticipating on reporting an interview with the Queen’s Granddaughter Zara Tindall who is a World champion and an Olympic medallist. For Zara, riding is her passion and she has always dreamed about riding for her country. We expect her to reveal her feeling when she won the World Title and to talk about her hopes to be the Olympic Champion in the future.